Thursday 25 September 2008

Pressing on, Towards a Lasting Positive Impact!

I occasionally reflect on various popular quotes.

One quote that I really like says “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” Things happen. But we have the power to choose how to react to them. Take time to think about this quote. What is happening in your life right now? Can this quote apply to your current situation?

Another quote I am very fond of is “Madness/insanity is doing the same thing, in the same way, repetitively, expecting different results.” Ever wondered, or felt like you are stuck in a rut, no matter how much you try? May be you need to check the style, the techniques, the method you use to do whatever it is that you have been doing. This would include editing it or changing it all together and applying new formats in order for you to get out of the rut. As you think through this, remember, change is necessary and change is inevitable!

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